Sunday, November 27, 2005


Reunion Report

The reunion was... interesting. Remember Grosse Point Blank?

"I should have brought my gun."
"This should be fun."

About 40 students showed up out of a class of 105. I got to catch up with some old friends I was wanting to see. We were able to update contact info that was either lost or wrong. That's the good part of the reunion. The bad... some people I was looking forward to seeing weren't there. One person I was good friends with during and after high school was very awkward to talk to. I'm not sure why. Of course there were the people I had almost completely forgotten about who were really looking forward to seeing me. What do you say to those people? "Hey! How are you doing? I haven't thought about you in 10 years."

Many of the people were married. Most of them looked very similar to how they looked in high school. There were a few who had changed a lot. The old cliques were still present. The Jocks, the Churchies, the others-that-I-don't-have-names-for were all there. I was wondering whether or not we would have gotten past those by now. Apparently not. I'll admit I wasn't helping the situation. My friends and I didn't try to cross the boundaries because we didn't want to talk to those people in high school so why would I want to talk to them now? Now don't think the clique lines were uncrossable. There was plenty of interaction between them, but it was interesting to see that people still grouped up the same way they did in high school.

There were a good number of "accompaniers" there. By that I mean wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, even a partner. It was fun seeing what kind of people people married. For the most part, though, I think the accompaniers felt a little left out. It was definitely a good call for my wife to not come. After a while you could see groups of these accompaniers talking with each other while the reunioner was off talking with friends. One girl put it very well. She said she wouldn't have dreamed of coming without her husband because he is her security blanket, but after she got warmed up a bit she didn't need him anymore. I guess he got tossed into the pile of other security blankets that came.

I was hoping to see some train wrecks, but there were none. My guess is the alcohol was too expensive ($8.50 for one gin and tonic!). Some people had definitely had a few, but no one had a few too many.

Overall I'd say I had fun. I'm glad I got to reconnect with some of my old friends, and hopefully we'll stay in touch this time, but it wasn't as good as I was hoping it would be.

Friday, November 25, 2005


Choose Your Own Adventure

Well, I still haven't heard from PetSmart, but that's ok. Based on your emails, comments, and conversations I have decided to pursue substitute teaching instead of a part time job. Isn't that great!? You all can make decisions for me! Just like one of those "choose your own adventure" books I loved as a kid. What's next? Should I go running tomorrow or should I sleep in? What should I have for dinner tonight? You decide....

Tonight is my 10 year high school reunion. I was looking forward to going so I could see what had become of everyone. I'll admit, I was expecting to have a better job and better life than most, but now I'll get to say that I'm unemployed. Actually, that will be kindof fun. I'm now looking forward to people's reactions and seeing how they try to backpedal from the question. Don't worry, I won't leave them hanging too long. Just long enough to make it awkward. Then I'll tell them why I'm unemployed and what I'm planning.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005



I didn't hear from PetSmart yesterday so I called them, but the manager who interviewed me isn't in today. I left a message for him to call me, and if I don't hear from him tomorrow morning I'll be calling again.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Virtually Hired

I had my interview at PetSmart this afternoon. I thought it went well. The interviewer seemed most concerned that I would not be happy with the level of pay compared to what I was used to. I don't know if he thought I thought I could make I.T. level pay working part-time at a pet store. If that was the case then I should have made the switch a long time ago. I had to assure him I wasn't looking for that much money and I would be happy with what they're offering. He was also seemed worried that I would find another job and leave with little warning. I had to tell him that I have always given at least two weeks notice at any job I worked. I also told him that my long range goal is to become a teacher, but the training program I'm looking at doesn't start until June so I need to have some income until then. That seemed to ease his concerns.

I don't think they're used to having someone who is a little older (as in out of high school) and who knows what they're doing apply for such a lowly job. The interviewer told me that I'll have to go through about an hour of training, but that I probably already know most of what it talks about. It's geared for the 16 year olds who would be lost on the floor of the store without training.

I'll find out tomorrow if I get the job or not. I'm not worried. The person I talked to today said he has to talk to his boss for the final decision, but that he and the first manager I talked to both support hiring me.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Job Search

Today I went out with the goal of getting a job. I had a number of places on my list to try. Pet stores, book stores, sporting goods stores.... The first place I went was PetSmart. I talked to the manager and found out I wouldn't be in town for the hiring seminar every other Sunday. After talking about my experience the manager was very nice and gave me an application anyway. I filled it out and have an interview on Sunday. If I get the job I'll be a daytime cashier. One funny question I was asked was if I am ok handling bugs and lizards. That's fine by me.

When I was telling the manager about my recent IT experience and how I was looking for a change (thanks to Amy for that phraseology) she commented that it's more fun on this side of the business than on the IT side. I quickly came up with the comment that I was looking to work with people more than computers. Internally I was pumping my fists for coming up with that gem of a comment (well, I think it's a gem).

I'll let you know how the interview goes.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


The Plan Starts to Form

The teaching program I have my eye on is ECAP. I have to submit my application by March 31, 2006. They'll evaluate my qualifications and, if I qualify, send me a barcode and test info so I can take some test (I think the TExES test) to prove I'm qualified. Something like that. Then, I have to register for and take the test and send my scores to them. If I satisfy their requirements I guess I'll be accepted into their program.

It looks like I'll be taking classes all day from June 5 to June 30. That promises to be a long month. Before I submit the app I'll have to decide which area to get certified in. I'm thinking probably Physical Science first, and Math second. I'll also have to figure out who to ask to write my two letters of recommendation. Ah, I think I know who one of them will be. Now to think of a second.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Searching For a Job, Sort Of

I've started keeping my eye out for "help wanted" signs in the windows of stores near the apartment. I don't want to have to drive very far (or deal with traffic) for a minimum or near minimum wage job. Hey, the liquor store is hiring. I know how to drink... uh, I mean, I know some stuff about whiskey, cider, and port. Maybe that will count for something. The Apple store at the mall is hiring. I know I could work there and do well. After all, I live in Steve Jobs' Reality Distortion Field. It'll depend on how much they're paying as to whether I want to go all that way or not. I'd like to find somewhere that has stores in Fort Worth so I can just transfer my employment when I move there in the spring. We'll see. I'll look and see what book stores are around here.

Monday, November 07, 2005



Today is my first weekday of unemployment. I'm now officially a kept man. As a kept man I got to sleep in as my wife (AKA "Sugar Momma") went dutifully off to work. Until I find a job I have the title of "house husband." I'll be trying to find some part time job doing something just to keep some more money coming in. We'd be ok on just one salary, but I don't want to make this transition too difficult on my wife or, to put it another way, on me. I've worked in retail before; I can do it again.

I've also thought about substitute teaching at some schools in the area. That would serve the dual purpose of getting me some experience while getting me some money. I've done some looking and it looks like I have to get a sub certification before I can apply to school districts. They use the word "certification" in the loosest of ways. All I have to do is fill out a (1) piece of paper and send them $50 and Illinois will give me a sub certification. Now I have to find a school district that will let me start working as a sub in the middle of the year. Arlington Heights sounds like they only accept new subs at the first of each school year. Hmmm, I'll have to give them a call and confirm that.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


The Journey Begins

Well, I did it. I quit my job as a programmer so I can become a teacher. I have no experience teaching, aside from TA'ing an astronomy lab in college, but I think it's what I want to do.

A little about me. I graduated from TCU in 2000 with a degree in Physics. Since then I've been a Unix System Administrator for AT&T Wireless, and a platform programmer for GE Healthcare. I've had enough of the IT world. I can't stand the thought of having another job where all I do is sit in front of a computer all day telling the computers what to do. I was very good at my jobs, don't get me wrong, and I still like computers; I just don't care about them as much as I used to, and I don't want to be in charge of them anymore. My goal is to become a high school math and physics teacher (NOT a computer teacher).

I have a plan for getting from here to there. Well, a fuzzy plan that's entirely in my head, but a plan no less. I'll be expanding on it here where anyone who cares can keep track of how I'm doing.

Welcome to the ride. It should be interesting.

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