Thursday, May 17, 2007


Teacher Testing

I'm done with teacher testing! I took my PPR test (aka. the don't-hit-kids test, the politically correct test, the no-connection-to-teaching test) this week. It's a 5 hour test that took me about 1:15 to take. I found out I got a 91% on it. Woo Hoo! No more teacher tests!

This is particularly timely since a local news station has been running a series of stories about how teachers sometimes have a hard time passing their certification tests. By "a hard time" they are referring to teachers and principles who have taken the test unsuccessfully anywhere between 20 and 40 times! As a part of this report they posted the scores of all Texas teachers online (it's public information, they just made it easy to find). This has led to a new pastime of looking up your teacher's scores. It also led to a lunchtime in the office of looking up other teachers scores. Ah,


Overheards VI

Got this one from study hall.

Student 1: Hey Mr. ..., is Amsterdam in Germany?
Me: No.
Know-it-all Student: Dude, Amsterdam isn't in Germany. It's in Europe!

Monday, May 07, 2007


Overheards V

This one's for you, Amy.

Girl 1: So, I was talking to this guy, and it was totally awkward! Not, like, awkward awkward; just really awkward.
Girl 2: I know!

At least she knows, I sure don't.

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