Friday, April 14, 2006


Lessons in Trucking

Not much has been happening lately. Lots of subbing, but nothing of interest to report.

We recently sold our VW (sorry, Shawn) and bought a new-to-us F150. The day after we bought it I encountered the truck owners curse. Have you ever seen the bumper sticker "Yes, this is my truck. No, I will not help you move."? How true. On this day I was helping my bro-in-law haul bricks and sand for a new brick-walk in their backyard. Now it's not like they roped me into it. We bought the truck to use as a truck so I was happy to get to try it out as such. Since we bought it as a truck we have since removed the ridiculous lid that covered the bed; I wanted a truck, not a trunk. Anyway, my truck was loaded up with (we calculated later) ~3000 lbs of bricks and sand for the drive home from the hardware store.

Note the difference in the vertical positions of the front wheel and rear wheel. Yeah, those are supposed to have the same gap for the wheel well. You're probably thinking "3000 lbs! What were you thinking? Don't you know that's a half-ton truck?" Yeah, well, I thought a half-ton truck was referring to it's weight, and I knew this truck weighs at least 4000 lbs so I figured it was a 2 ton truck. Silly me thought trucks like the S-10 were half-ton trucks. No, I don't know how much an S-10 weighs; I was just guessing. Recently I learned that the half-ton term refers to how much it can carry, not how much it weighs. Oops. Now I know... and knowing is half the battle.

What the Truck!
Are you sure it's a half ton truck? Seems like most F150s are rated 1 to 1.5 tons.
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