Friday, April 28, 2006



Tuesday I was approached by the head of the science department where I am subbing and asked if I would teach another physics class so she could observe me since I was only observed by the principal before. Of course, I said yes. I took this to be good news because my competition had been observed the day before. I figure if he was impressive then they wouldn't ask me to do a second observation. So Wednesday I am observed teaching one physics class. I think I did well. I think there are things I could have done better, but I didn't do anything poorly. We'll see how that turns out. I haven't heard anything yet.

I just got a call from the public school I interviewed with a month ago. They want me to come in for an interview with the principal on Monday. You'll recall that last time I interviewed with a couple of deans. I'm not sure if anyone from the math department will be involved in this interview or not. Hopefully I won't have to do a third interview just to get someone from the math department there. As always, we'll see.

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