Monday, May 01, 2006


Interview Report

My interview with the principal today was short, but I think I did ok. He asked me some of the same questions I had been asked last time so I knew the answers to those. He also asked me a lot about how I would work with failing or ESL kids. Failing kids I had ideas about. ESL kids I had no clue about. I made some stuff up and said I'd utilize resources the school made available to me. We'll see how that went.

He said they're interviewing everyone for every position over the next 2 weeks and that they'd get back to me.

At one point the principal told me that they have a high failure rate in math of one quarter. So 20% of the students are failing math. You don't say....

In other news, I encountered no traffic on my way to work this morning, and had the best Burger King experience I've ever had today. I didn't have to repeat myself once, my order was correct the first time, and the workers were polite and friendly. Hmmm....

The SoCal freeways were a breeze today. Costco had parking up close and we were in & out in record time. Let do this more often.
For the record, this was the 'day without an immigrant' better known as the 'day without illegal aliens' when illegal aliens decided not to go to work to show the impact they have on our economy. Like the previous poster said, "Let's do this more often."
mmmm....... burger.....
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