Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Contract Signed

I am now officially a government employee!

So I signed my contract today, got lots of paperwork for benefits, and found out that my July is now full. Here's how July looks.

5-9: Travel to Chicago to start moving stuff down here.
10-14: AP conference at Texas A&M.
17-22: District training for first year teachers like me.
26-28: District training for teachers new to the district.
August 2: Report to school.

That puts hitches in several plans, and should have my head exploding with info by the time school starts.

There were several first year teachers at this contract signing today. Two were fresh from college, and one other was formerly a lawyer. The lawyer had gotten fed up with law and decided to become a teacher. What a touching story. Someone should make a movie of her life. Just change "lawyer" to "IT geek", and "her" to "me", and we'll make millions! I was talking to one of the new teachers about the job, and she said something to the effect of, "Good job, good pay, good benefits, what's not to like?" Some of you will be wondering at the "good pay" part of that. Just wait; I plan to address that soon.

I find it funny that so many people are leaving other professions to go into teaching, and my DH just left teacing to go into another profession. How ironic. :)
Hey Court

What's a DH?
Congratulations Dave!

Tell us more about your job!
Public vs private school
Classes you'll teach
What grade of students...yada yada
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