Friday, June 02, 2006



The private school I applied to, the one that was going to decide by May 1, finally decided on a physics teacher. I got my rejection letter in the mail yesterday. No big deal, I would have had to reject them if they had offered me the job.

I did realize that this is the first time I was turned down for a job. Not bad; I'm 28 and only now am I getting my first "Let's just be friends" letter from a company.

On the more promising job front, I got a call from the principal of the school where I'm most likely to be teaching next year...

Ok, I really need to name this school. Hmmm, something random, something anonymous, something fake (no need to confuse anyone). Aha! I've got it. How about Arlen High School from King of the Hill. Sound good?

BILL: Yep.
DALE: Yep.
HANK: Yep.

On the more promising job front, I got a call from the principal of Arlen High School (much better) who told me how to get signed up for the AP summer seminars. She also told me that it took her daughter 3 tries to pass this math/physics test that I'm taking next weekend. Her daughter didn't have the physics background I do, but she just wanted to let me know. I asked if it is a deal breaker if I don't pass the test this first time. She said she didn't think they could offer me a contract if I didn't pass it (since there's not another test date before school starts), but she didn't sound sure. I've talked to other teachers who say that schools hire teachers before they've passed the test because you're not certified until after your first year of teaching (if you're doing it the way I am). I checked my ACP info and it only says that many school districts may not consider you for a job until you pass the test. We'll see what happens.

Things will probably be pretty slow around here until June 10. I've been spending a lot of time studying, and will be doing much of the same for the next week.

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