Monday, June 26, 2006


Wedding Trip

I just got back the wedding of a couple of college friends. While there I saw a number of people I haven't seen in a while. Several of them are teachers. When they found out I'll be teaching AP my first year I was called many things; the tamest of which is "you bastard." I'd print the others, but, with the exception of the "Shocker" post, this is a family blog.

I was given a warning about the AP conference I'll be attending in a couple of weeks. Apparently, they take 15 minutes of material and take 3 hours to teach it. Ugh, I can't wait. I guess I'll be brushing up my mad Sudoku skillz.

I though I had seen the last of stupid powerpoint presentations when I left the corporate world. Well, I was told that faculty meetings typically have a powerpoint presentation which is printed out and given to you, AND, if that wasn't bad enough, is then read to you. If I could get a firm grasp on my hair I'd pull it out! Three of my pet peeves at once!

Please, for everyone's sake, if you ever have to give a powerpoint presentation:
  1. Don't read the slides to me. I'm a big boy; I learned how to read a long time ago.
  2. If you have my email address, don't print the slideshow. I'm a big boy; if I want it on paper I can click "print."
  3. Come up with a better way of giving your presentation. Technology should be used to enhance your presentation, not be the presentation. If you aren't a necessary part of the presentation then don't present it, email it.
Anyway, everyone had good advice, thinks I'll be a good teacher, and thinks I'll have fun teaching. I'll find out soon enough.

Those three pet peeves are the same thing they teach you in every presentation skills class in the corporate world. Somewhere, though, it always gets lost...
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