Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Checking In

A lot going on lately, but not much teaching related. I've been spending a lot of time getting ready to buy a house. We're supposed to close on Friday, and I've been running around trying to get the appraisal number out of our appraiser. It's been a challenge, but I prevailed today! That should be the last hurdle.

By the way, don't use Apex Appraisals in Houston unless you like unless you like changing requirements and insinuations that you're trying rip them off even though you're following their directions. It may be a fine company, but the guy I've been dealing with should not be working with people.

I have been working on my syllabi for my AP classes. It's easy enough to figure out what to teach; the AP book tells you what's going to be on the test. What's hard is trying to figure out the best order to teach it in, and how long each part will take. I could go the traditional way and progress from Mechanics through E&M, but they've just finished a class like that. I could start with E&M and then do Mechanics. I could also mix the two since many of the motion and force related Mechanics formulas are very similar to formulas in E&M. I like the idea, but I think it will take too much work on my part right now since I still don't really know what I'm doing. Maybe in a few years.

Now I need to work on lesson plans. Only 2 weeks until I see the kids.

The thing I keep telling myself is that I will screw up, things will not go the way I plan, and that I will survive. Next year I get to start fresh with better ideas and more experience.

I keep thinking of a quote that was probably said by some famous person somewhere, but I remember it from the Wheel of Time books.

"No battle plan survives contact with the enemy."

The quote is from Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke (1800-1891). He was chief of staff of the Prussian army, and credited with developing more modern methods of directing armies in the field. Thanks to Wikipedia for this.
Giving me flashbacks, man!
Actually, I said that last night at dinner. I deserve full credit! I plan to write wikipedia a stern letter.
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