Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Internet, Glorious Internet!

So much has been happening, but since part of it was buying a house I haven't had internet for almost 10 days.

First of all, yes, we bought our first house. My lovely wife is a very trusting lady who didn't see the house in person until after we signed the papers. Good thing she likes it or you might never have heard from me again. Something I'll enjoy is the 1.5 mile commute I'll have. Quite a change from the heady days of IT when I'd drive 50 miles each way.

Speaking of commutes, tomorrow is the first day of school. I've been in various trainings for the past 5 weeks, have had several days to get my room ready, and now they expect me to be able to handle actual students! Everyone has been asking me if I'm overwhelmed yet. I'd say partially. I think I'm overwhelmed because right now we're looking at the whole year: creating syllabi, lesson plans, rules, procedures, and on and on and on. I think once we're past that and focusing on a few days or weeks at a time things will seem much more manageable.

My department is very good. I like everyone in it and no one takes things too seriously. I wouldn't be able to

Excuse me. My dog just gave me the "look at me" growl. She's sitting on the floor next to me looking at me expectantly and pawing my leg every time I return to typing. It's too early for her to be begging me to go to bed, she was just outside, ... aha, she wants to play. I'll be back.

work as well with them if they didn't like to have fun. The female:male ratio isn't too extreme either. In my department it's only about 1.5:1.

I have to say, I haven't spent this much time thinking about artsy stuff, looking at paper and markers, or cutting anything in a very long time. My room is pretty stark right now. I put up my one poster, a picture of Yoda that another teacher gave me, and a paper balloon. "A paper balloon?" you may be asking yourself. Seems kind of random doesn't it? I'll make my next post about it.

Today I was at Office Max/Depot (can't tell the two apart) and I found dry erase overhead pens. I can't tell you the last time I was excited about a pen, but these should be cool. I'll be trying them out tomorrow.

Ok, enough randomness. Check back for a first day report.

Good luck Dave

Remember that it's much easier to get nicer than to become stricter.
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