Friday, September 01, 2006


Holy Flying Rodents, Batman!

During 1st period, we got the word over the loudspeaker that we were in a "hold in place" condition. I looked on my trusty emergency cheat sheet and saw that that fell under the "Chemical" tab. That can't be good.

We can't let the students leave (fortunately I didn't have any), and we can't leave the rooms until further notice. This drags on and on. Around the end of 1st period they announce that there is a bat in the building and we'll have to wait another 30-40 minutes for animal control to come get it.

We spent well over an hour in this condition, missing a good part of the 2nd period of the day. I later heard that the bat was small enough that the animal control person carried it away in something the size of a sandwich bag. Not only that, but it was just hanging on a wall sleeping. For all they put us through you'd have thought it was a monstrous bat with glowing red eyes flying around terrorizing girls with long hair.

Even better - use the dumb picture of Rob and have it chase you down the halls and then beat the picture senselessly with a bat! The mammal bat - that is!
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