Tuesday, October 17, 2006


A Day in the Life Of...

Here's what a typical day is like for me as a first year teacher.

5:30am - Alarm goes off. I struggle to my feet. The dog looks at me like I'm crazy, then curls up under the covers and goes back to sleep. Some days I wish I was a dog.

6:15-6:30am - Make the dog get out of bed to go outside. Let dog in; dog goes back to bed; I go to school.

(5-10 minutes later) Arrive at school.

6:30-7:00am - Sign in, check mail, go to my room, unpack my backpack, check email, make copies before the line starts.

7:00-7:50am - Get things set up for the day. Organize my notes, write today's agenda and homework on the board, answer questions from students who come early for help. Get miscellaneous stuff done if time permits.

7:50am - School starts. Every other day I have this period off. On those days I get to write detentions for being late to school for the first 15 minutes, then I get work done for the next 75 minutes. Sometimes students come by during their study hall with questions.

11:00-11:40am - Lunch. Two periods down, two to go.

11:40-1:20pm - My last period of the day.

1:20-3:00pm - I have this period off each day. Usually, when there aren't students doing make-ups or asking questions, I try to get work done, but end up trying to stay awake.

3:00pm - School ends. I have to be here until 3:30, though.

3:00-? - Most days I have students coming by with questions during this time. Two days a week I guarantee I'll be available until 4pm. Not like I leave before 4 anyway. I typically leave between 4:15 and 5 so I can go wake up the dog.

Afternoons - Once a week I play Ultimate Frisbee with students until 6. Once a week I tutor from 5-6. Otherwise I snack, and read a little while trying to stay awake.

Evenings - Grading and planning. I can be seen sitting at the dining table surrounded by papers and books until late into the night. The dog alternates between sleeping on her blanket on the floor next to me, or barking loudly at the night. Well, that and pawing my leg while looking at me with the epitome of puppy-dog-eyes saying, "It's time to go to bed. Really. Now."

Bedtime is usually between Midnight and 1am. If I'm in bed before Midnight it seems like an early night. I've had nights when I'm done early (such as tonight) and can go to bed around 11. Those are the nights I have trouble falling asleep.

You'll notice there's no running in this schedule. Nope, I only run once a week. I've been running 20+ miles every Saturday. This Saturday I have 25-26 or so planned. I only have until December to get ready for my Ultra.

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