Monday, February 19, 2007


A New Appreciation

I gained a new appreciation for teaching juniors and seniors, and my juniors and seniors in particular.

One of our freshman/sophomore biology teachers had to leave school early to pick her kid up early from school. While she was gone three teachers each covered 20 minutes of her class. I got tapped for the last 20 minutes.

When I arrived, our department head was very worried and told me that there was a student in the room on drugs. She went through a litany about how she couldn't get in touch with anyone to come help, and she finally had to push the panic button, but they still hadn't come... and on and on like that. I looked around and didn't see anything unusual, no one out of their seat, no one freaking out (besides my dc), so I wasn't concerned. Shortly, a principle came and removed the student from class. I heard he ended up in juvy.

After things calmed down a guy at the front of the room started accusing a girl at the back of the room of doing drugs, too. She said she didn't ("Look at my pupils, not dilated!"), he said he saw her, blah, blah, blah. They're not calming down, he's not shutting up. The guy, the girl, and another girl (on the first girl's side) pop up, push their desks out of the way, and start yelling at each other. I step in the middle of this, yell at the guy and girl to sit down, and yell at the new girl to stay out of it (which she does). They eventually calm down, but the guy just won't shut up. About this time the teacher comes back. I tell her what's going on, and she has me take the guy and girl to the office. Done, and done.

I found out later that after school the guy got his girlfriend and went to have her beat up the girl from class (classy). Turns out the girl from class had a girlfriend, too. The two girlfriends went at it and the guy's girlfriend was the one who ended up getting the beating.

Makes me appreciate the problems I have in my classes. "Why do I have a B?" "When can we get our tests back?" "Is there anything I can do for extra credit?" "Why did I get this wrong?"

Yeah, I have it rough.

Yes, there is a big difference between a freshman and AP students that are juniors and seniors. Although sometimes - around senioritis time - even seniors regress back to being a freshman.
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